9. To Assess the Functional Outcome of Genu Valgus Deformity Treated with Focal Dome Osteotomy by Ilizarov Ring Fixator
Syed Hassan Ali Shah1, Najeeb ur Rehman1, Faheem Ahmed Memon2, Irshad Ahmed1,
Abbas Memon2 and Muhammad Ayub Laghari1
Objectives: To assess the functional outcome of genu valgus deformity treated with focal dome osteotomy by ilizarov ring fixator.
Study Design: Quasi experimental study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Orthopaedics at Liaquat Medical University Hospital, Hyderabad/Jamshoro Pakistan from 18th Aug 2014 to 17th Aug 2016.
Materials and Methods: Patients that fit in the inclusion criteria were admitted through OPD, all the procedure were explained to the patients. Verbal and written informed consent was taken from the patient. The detailed examination of the effected limb was done and after the surgical procedure and discharge of the patients, assessment was reviewed during patients follow up on every 2 weeks and results was analyzed through SPSS version 21.
Results: The mean age of the patients at the time of the index operation was 23.3 years with SD ± 8.86 years.(range from 18 to 50 years). Majority of the patients (32 (94.1%) out of 34) mentioned the cosmetic deformity or limp of the knee as the presenting complaint, Out of 34 patients in 23 (67.6) cases the deformity was considered idiopathic in nature, 09 (26.4) of the patients had evidence of nutritional rickets/ osteomalacia, and 02 (5.8) patient had a post-traumatic genu valgum deformity. The mean duration of hospital stay in our setup was 8 days (range, 5 days - 15 days). The mean period of follow-up of patients was 19.8 months (range, 15 months to 29 months). The mean duration of Ilizrove external fixation was 17.65 weeks (range, 15 months to 48 weeks). The mean preoperative HSS score of our patients was 68.2 (range 31-96). Postoperatively the average HSS knee score was 90.1 (67-100). HSS score improved by an average of 22 points (range: 4-51 points) and this improvement was statistically significant (p = 0.01) The HSS score was Excellent or good results in 46 (85.18%) of cases and fair or poor results in 8 (14.8%). Only 02 (5.8) cases had deep wound infection that required removal of external fixator at 6 and 8 months respectively. Both cases responded well after external fixator removal.
Conclusion: Focal dome osteotomy with Ilizarov technique has excellent results in most of the patients in our study. It has potential advantages over commonly used open techniques in being minimally invasive, easily reproducible and provides a versatile alternative to currently available methods for fixation of proximal femoral osteotomies.
Key Words: Genu valgum. Correction focal dome osteotomy. Ilizarov technique.
Citation of article: Shah SHA, Rehman N, Memon FA, Ahmed I, Memon A, Laghari MA. To Assess the Functional Outcome of Genu Valgus Deformity Treated with Focal Dome Osteotomy by Ilizarov Ring Fixator. Med Forum 2017;28(4):34-37.