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9. Assessment of Diagnostic Laproscopy in Chronic Abdominal Pain at Tertiary Care Hospital
Farkhanda Jabeen Dahri1, Abdul Hakeem Jamali1 and Qambar Ali Laghari2 |
Objective: The objective of this study was to find out the diagnosis of diagnostic laparoscopy in patients having chronic abdominal pain.
Study Design: Descriptive / cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Surgery Department of PMC hospital and PUMHS Nawabshah from February 2014 to March 2015.
Materials and Methods: All the undiagnosed cases of chronic abdominal pain (by conventional methods and investigations such as clinical examination, urine examination, US abdomen etc), abdominal pain more than 3 months, cases age more than 18 years either gender and clinically diagnosed as chronic were selected in this study, while all the cases with known cause of pain, Acute inflammatory disease, cases having acute intestinal obstruction, coagulation abnormalities, critical illness, severe/decompensated cardiopulmonary failure and medically unfit for anaesthesia and surgery were not selected in this study. Diagnostic laparosco was erformed in all selected cases
and findings were entered in proforma.
Results: Total 45 patients underwent diagnostic laparoscopy majority f the y ung atients was found. Female were found in the majority 60% as compare to males 40%. 13 (28.88%) patients had pain in right iliac fossa, 08 (17.78%) patients had hypogastrium pain, 10 (22.22%) cases were found with wh le abd minal pain, 10 (22.22%) patients had pain in left iliac fossa and 04 (8.89%) patients were noted with pain at right hypochondrium. According to laparoscopy findings, appendicitis and adhesions were most ommon 14(31.11%) and 10(22.22%) respectively, following by Abdominal tuberculosis, Hernia, Mesenter lymphadenopathy, Ovarian cyst and Dense adhesions + Thickened gall bladder wall with percentage of 06(13.33), 03(6.67%), 02(4.44%), 04(8.89%) and 02(4.44%) respectively, while 04(8.88%) cases were noted without a y d sease.
Conclusion: Diagnostic laparoscopy in good tool for d agnosis of chronic abdominal pain, according to the assessment the commonest basis of chronic recurre t abdominal pain in this study was appendicitis followed by abdominal tuberculosis and adhesions.
Key Words: Laparoscopy, Chronic Pain In Abd men, Diagnosis
Citation of article: Dahri FJ, Jamali AH, Laghari QA. Assessment of Diagnostic Laproscopy in Chronic Abdominal Pain at Tertiary Care Hospi al. Med Forum 2016;27(9):37-40.