11. The Evaluation of the Changes in Blood Pressure of Patients During Tooth Extraction
1. Muhammed Junaid Lakhani 2. Muhammad Mohsin Girach 3. Anjum Tariq
4. Michelle Griffin
1. Prof. of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, 2. Prof. of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, 3. Asstt. Prof. of Operative Dentistry,
4. Demonstrator, Dept. of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Jinnah Medical and Dental College, Karachi
Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the changes in blood pressure of hypertensive patients having dental extraction under a local anesthetic containing epinephrine. Study Design: Cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out at Jinnah Medical & Dental College (JMDC) from January 2015 to April 2015.
Materials and Methods: The data was collected from the patients visiting the Oral Surgery OPD of Jinnah Medical
& Dental Colleges, Karachi. The study was conducted at Jinnah Medical and Dental College to evaluate the changes in blood pressure of patient with a known history of hypertension controlled using medications. All the patients underwent uncomplicated dental extraction. The blood pressure was rec rded at three times: before the local anesthesia, 3 minutes post local anesthesia, and 3 minutes post extracti n.
2 % Lidocaine with adrenaline 1:180,000was used for local anesthesia. Careful administration of anesthesia was ensured to avoid direct injection into the bloodstream. In majority f cases nly 2 anesthetic ampules were used (only two patient required 3 ampules). The data was stored in excel worksheet and was analyzed using SPSS.
Results: The total sample size was 122 patients seen in the Oral and maxillofacial surgery department of JMDC. There were 52 females and 70 males. Mean age was 46.17 ±13.26 years (range 25-78). The age was further divided into four groups;
Group 1: 25-34, Group 2: 35-44, Group 3: 45-54, Group 4: 55 and above. There was no significant change in diastolic and systolic blood pressure blood pressure at three time points. Paired sample T test was used, the only significant difference was in SBP before (SBP1) a d after anesthesia (SBP2) (t= -2.28 p=0.045). No significant change noticed in the DBP values at DBP1, DBP2 and DBP3. Amongst the age group the significant variation in
systolic blood pressure was seen in the age g up 3 and 4.
Conclusion: This study was condu ed o find out the changes in blood pressure of patients with a known history of
hypertension controlled using medi a ions. The study showed no significant changes in the observed parameters.
Key Words: Blood pressure chang s, Hypertension, Local anesthesia with vasoconstrictor
Citation of article: Lakhani MJ, Girach MM, Tariq A, Griffin M. The Evaluation of the Changes in Blood Pressure of Patients During Tooth Extraction. Med Forum 2016;27(3):40-43.