10. Incidence of Fractures of Neck of Femur (Intracapsular)
Imran Idrees Butt1, Muhammad Asif Saeed2, Maqsood Ahmed Khan3 and Salman Imran Butt4
Objective: To determine the incidence of fractures of neck of femur (intracapsular).
Study Design: Observational Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Surgery, Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot Medical College Sialkot from Jan 2017 to Jan 2018.
Materials and Methods: This Study was conducted on 83 patients of fracture of neck of femur( intracapsular) The age, gender and bone involved was noted down. The informed consent was taken from each patient of fracture of neck of femur. The findings were noted on the design Performa. The permission of ethical committee was also considered before start of the study and publishing in research journal.
Results: At the age of 31-40 years there were 02 male and 00 female patients. At the age of 41-50 years there were 01 male and 01 female patients. At the age of 51-60 years there were 06 male and 04 female patients. At the age of 61-70 years there were 14 male and 11 female patients. At age above there were 27 male and 17 female patients. Conclusion: It was concluded from the study that there was fracture of neck of femur intracapsular and extracapsular take place during violence or trauma.
Key Words: Incidence, Fractures, Neck, Femur (Intracapsular)
Citation of article: Butt II, Saeed MAm Khan MA, Butt SI. Incidence of Fractures of Neck of Femur
(Intracapsular). Med Forum 2020;31(2):38-40.