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  3. 37.Assessment of the Level of Stress among Dental Students During Covid-19 in Teaching Hospital of Sialkot, Pakistan
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37.Assessment of the Level of Stress among Dental Students During Covid-19 in Teaching Hospital of Sialkot, Pakistan

Sana Zafar1, Danish Javed2, Hira Shafique3, Muhammad Muddassar4, Shakeel Ahmad2 and Muhammad Osman Masood5


Objective: The check the level of stress due to COVID-19 in dental students.

Study Design: Descriptive cross-sectional study

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Oral Biology, Islam Dental College, Sialkot for a period of 06 months from June to November 2020.

Materials and Methods: The sample size has calculated with the help of Rao software. The total number of samples were 319 and recruited based on purposive sampling method. The data had analyzed descriptively.

Results: Out of 319 students, 123 were male and 196 of female. The average age of the students are 21.7 years. Maximum number of responders were having severe stress i.e. 186. Four different doubts were asked from the students. Out of 319 responders, 281 were replied no in response of “will you feel comfortable after COVID-19 pandemic” and 38 said yes. Five different questions were asked from the students i.e. Handwashing, using sanitizers, surgical masks, avoid social gathering and hand shaking. 271 replied yes in response of “Handwashing” and 48 said no. While the level of stress was also measured among the responses. 162 students who had severe stress were categorized in yes response, 62 students who had moderate level of stress were categorized in yes response and 47 students who had mild level of stress were categorized in yes response.

Conclusion: The present study explored the levels of stress among the dental students. The finding of the study indicated that the student in a teaching hospital needs the appropriate counselling and professional knowledge regarding the pandemic to deal with the current scenario of COVID-19.

Key Words: Stress, COVID-19, Dental, Pakistan

Citation of article: Zafar S, Javed D, Shafique H, Muddassar M, Ahmad S, Masood MO. Assessment of the Level of Stress among Dental Students During Covid-19 in Teaching Hospital of Sialkot, Pakistan. Med Forum 2021;32(10):167-171.