1. Effects of Caffeinated Carbonated Soft Drinks on the Testicular Anatomy in Wistar Albino Rat Model
Shoukat Ali Memon1, Sajjad Ali Almani1 and Aftab Ahmed Shaikh2
Objective: To investigate the effects of caffeinated and non-caffeinated carbonated soft drinks on the testicular anatomy and histology in Wistar albino rat model.
Study Design: Experimental study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine and Allied Medical Sciences, Isra University Hyderabad from July 2014 to February 2015.
Materials and Methods: Twenty rats of Wistar albino strain were divided randomly in two groups. Group A were control rats and group B were experimental rats. Caffeinated carbonated soft drinks were given freely to the group B experimental rats. The animals were sacrificed and testes were retrieved for histological examination. The software
SPSS 22.0 analyzed the data at P-value ≤ 0.05.
Results: Size and weight of rat testes were decreased in caffeinated soft drunk rats (P= 0.0006) while body weight was increased. Histological examination shows testicular tissue damage in form of necrotic and edematous tissue, hyalinization, tubular luminal defects, and pyknotic nuclei. Seminiferous tubules showed gross microscopic defects. Conclusion: The caffeinated carbonated soft drinks exerts toxic effects on the body weight, testicular size, testicular weight, GSI, seminiferous tubule epithelial cell layers and seminiferous tubular diameter an in-vivo rat model.
Key Words: Testes, Carbonated Soft Drinks, Caffeine Rat
Citation of article: Memon SA, Almani SA, Shaikh AA. Effects of Caffeinated Carbonated Soft Drinks on the Testicular Anatomy in Wistar Albino Rat Model. Med Forum 2017;28(5):2-6.