9.Prevalence of Oral Cancer and its Associated Risk Factors among Oral Cancer Patients Presenting at HBS Dental and General Hospital, Islamabad
Sobia Siddique1, Shahida Maqbool2, Syeda Kinza Asghar3, Sumera Ijaz4, Hafsa Niaz2 and Sana Naeem1
Objective: To determine the prevalence of oral cancer and to find out the various risk factors associated with
oral cancer.
Study Design: Descriptive cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine, HBS Medical and Dental College Islamabad from November 2018 to September 2021 for a period of 03 years.
Materials and Methods: Five hundred and forty-three patients diagnosed with oral cancer were enrolled. Daily and monthly outpatient statistics was also recorded for the study period.
Results: The mean age was 54.58±0.50 years. Among patients with different types of habits, 323 (73.2%) patients were tobacco chewers, there were 60 (13.6%) smokers, 32 (7.3%) pan chewers without tobacco, 17 (3.9%) smokers and tobacco-chewers, 2 (0.5%) alcoholics and 7 (1.5%) patients had multiple habits (alcohol use along with smoking and or tobacco chewing). In total, maximum number of patients belonged to carcinoma of buccal mucosa219 (40.4%) followed by cancer of tongue96 (17.7%), carcinoma of gingivo-buccal sulcus49 (9%), carcinoma of alveolar ridge or gingival 41 (7.5%), carcinoma of retromolar area33 (6.1%), carcinoma of palate31 (5.7%), carcinoma of floor of mouth 21 (3.8%) and carcinoma of lip21 (3.8%). On the whole, maximum number of patients belonged to stage IV oral cancer in 249 (45.9%) followed by stage III in 182 (33.5%), stage II in 92 (16.9%) and stage I oral cancer in 20 (3.7%).
Conclusion: This study gives different grades of oral squamous cell carcinomas well as frequency and site of involvement. Oral cancer developed at a younger age with higher prevalence of female. It has been observed that the risk factors like habits and oral cancer have significant associations.
Key Words: Oral cancer, Risk factors, Tobacco, Prevalence, Prevention
Citation of article: Siddique S, Maqbool S, Asghar SK, Ijaz S, Niaz H, Naeem S. Prevalence of Oral Cancer and its Associated Risk Factors among Oral Cancer Patients Presenting at HBS Dental and General Hospital, Islamabad. Med Forum 2021;32(12):38-42