9. Role of Oral and Topical Nasal Steroids in Prevention of Ethmoidal Nasal Polyp Recurrence after Intranasal Polypectomy: A Comparative Study of 64 Cases
1. Ijaz Ahamad 2. Muhammad Siddique 3. Abdul Latif Kakar 4. Sanaullah Tareen
1. Assoc. Prof. of Radiology, BMC, Quetta 2. Asstt. Prof. of ENT, BMC, Quetta 3. Asstt. Prof. of ENT, BMC, Quetta 4. Epidemiologist, Fatima Jinnah Chest Hospital, Quetta.
Objective: To study the effect of oral and intranasal topical corticosteroids on nasal polyp recurrence after intranasal polypectomy.
Study Design: Perspective, comparative.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted out in ENT and Head & Neck Surgery Department, Bolan Medical Complex Hospital, Quetta, from March 2010 to March 2013.
Materials and Methods: Sixty four patients of both sexes with diagnosis of ethmoidal nasal polyp underwent intranasal polypectomy. Then patients were divided into two groups, Group-A and Group-B. There were 32 patients in each group. In group-A the patients received oral and intranasal topical steroids postoperatively while in group-B patients did not receive oral and intranasal topical steroids. Both groups were followed-up for any recurrence of polyps at interval of 3, 6 and 12 months.
Results: Recurrence rates in group-A were 6.25%, 12.5% and 21.87%, while the recurrence rates in group-B were 12.5%, 28.12% and 43.75% at interval of 3, 6 and12 months.
Conclusion: A postoperative short course of oral steroids followed by topical nasal steroid spray after intranasal polypectomy can reduce the recurrence rate of ethmoidal nasal polyps significantly.
Key Words: Nasal polyps, Intranasal polypectomy, Oral steroids, Topical nasal steroids, Recurrence.