9. Perception Study of Relevance of Oral Biology Amongst 1st Year BDS Students, Dental House Officers & Post-Graduate Trainees in DUHS
1. Farzeen Shafiq Waseem 2. Noor ul Hira Aftab 3. Asmat Jameel 4. Amynah Charnia
1. Asstt. Prof. of Oral Biology, DIMC, DUHS, Karachi 2. Msc. Trainee of Oral Biology, Dr. Ishratulebad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences, DUHS, Karachi 3. Assoc. Prof. of Operative Dentistry, JM&DC, Karachi 4. Prof.
and Head of Deptt. Of Oral Biology, Dr. Ishratulebad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences, DUHS, Karachi
Objectives; To investigate the significance of Oral biology course in dentistry amongst 1st year BDS, interns and postgraduate students.
Study Design: Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out at Dow University of health sciences from 1st April 2015 to 1st July 2015.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 75 1st year BDS students, 25 house officers & 100 postgraduate trainees of Dow University of Health Sciences. A questionnaire based on a likert scale was distributed among 200 participants. The response rate was 100%. 5 questions were asked with five options. The main focus was to know whether Oral Biology being the basic foundation of dentistry is adequate enough to be taught for one year only. Data was analyzed on SPSS version 22.
Results: 65% strongly agreed and 34% agreed that Oral Biology is relevant subject for general dentistry. Whereas 47.5% disagree and 9% strongly disagree that Oral Biology is one of the pillars in dentistry. 68.5% strongly agree and 25% agree that Oral Biology is a building block n med al and dental sciences. 24% agree, strongly agree12% and remaining 59% were unaware with the fact about the knowledge of oral biology is applicable to clear the aptitude test. Majority of the students agreed that the k owledge of the oral biology is essential for their clinic practice in future (Strongly agree-44% Agree-48.5%),
Conclusion: Oral biology is the relevant subject to the ge eral dentistry.
Key Words: Oral Biology, relevance, dental students, subject knowledge
Citation of article: Waseem FS, Af ab NH, Jameel A, Charnia A. Perception Study of Relevance of Oral Biology Amongst 1st Year BDS S uden s, Dental House Officers & Post-Graduate Trainees in DUHS. Med Forum 2016;27(2):33-36.