9. Incidence of Colles Fracture (5 years Experience) at Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot Medical College Sialkot
Muhammad Asif Saeed1, Haris Muaaz3, Hamda Saqib2, Kamran Hamid3, M Nouman3 and Malik Arslan3
Objective: To study Incidence of Colles Fracture (5 years Experience) at Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot Medical College Sialkot.
Study Design: Experimental and Observational study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Surgery, Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot during Jan 2014 to July 2019.
Materials and Methods: This study comprises 156 patients of Colles Fracture. The Performa was designed to recorded demographic data, etiology, causes, treatment given and complications of Colles fracture. Written informed consent was also taken from every patient before the start of the treatment. The Permission of ethical committee was also considered before collection of data and get publishing in the medical journal. The results were analyzed on SPSS version 10.
Results: At the age of 30-35 years, there were 1(2.43%) male and 9(7.82%) female, at the age of 36-40 years there were 3(7.31%) Male and 7(6.01%) female, at the age of 41-45 years there were 2 (4.87%) Male and 11(9.56%) Female, at the age of 46-50 years there were 4(9.75%) Male and 7(6.09%) female, at the age of 51-55 years there were 5(12.19%) Male and 6(5.21%) Female and age above 55 years there were 26(63.41%) Male and 75(65.21%) Female patients were found of Colles fracture. There were 16(39.02%) Male and 80(69.56%) female patients of Colles fracture were due to history of slip or fall. Due to RTA there were 8(19.51%) Male and 29(25.21%) Female patients of Colles fracture were detected. Due to Fight there were 17 (41.46%) Male and 6(5.21%) Female patients of Colles fracture were detected. There were 21(51.21%) Male and 97(84.34%) Female patients of Colles fracture were on conservative treatment (POP Cast). The Operative treatment there was external fixators in 7(17.07%) Male and 4(3.47%) Female, Orif e k wires was in 8(19.51%) Male and 11(9.56%) female, or if e plating was done in 5(12.19%) male and 3(2.60%) female of Colles fracture were found. Due to early complications, there was unstable reduction 3(10%) Male and 5(7.35%) Female, Post reduction swelling 11(36.66%) Male and 18(26.47%) female, compartment syndrome 00(00%) Male and 1(1.47%) Female, injury to proximal segment of bone during reduction 00(00%) Male and 00(00%) Female, infection (surgery) there was 00(00%) Male and 1(1.47%) Female patients. Due to late complications, there was malunion in 4(13.33%) Male and 7(10.29%) Female, there was rupture of ext pollio tender in 00(00%) Male and 00(00%) Female, there was frozen shoulder in 11(36.66%) Male and 31(45.58%) Female, there was non-union 00(00%) Male and 3(4.41%) Feamle, there was sudeck’s dystrophy in 1(3.33%) male and 2(2.94%) female patients of Colles fracture were detected.
Conclusion: Possessing a knowledge of the incidence and outcomes of distal radius fractures allows the physician to better counsel individual patients and determine the best management to optimize treatment. Key Words: Colles fracture, etiology, Complications and Demographic data
Citation of article: Saeed MMA, Muaaz H, Saqib H, Hamid K, Nouman M, Arslan M. Incidence of Colles Fracture (5 years Experience) at Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot Medical College Sialkot. Med Forum