9. Frequency of Morphological Types of Ovarian Tumors in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Karachi
Alfarah Irfan1, Mohammad Salman Zafar2, Shah Jabeen3, Nazia Qamar2, Nadeem Nusrat2 and Asadullah4
Objective: To determine the frequency of different morphological types of ovarian tumors in a tertiary care hospital of Karachi.
Study Design: A retrospective study of all cases of ovarian tumors
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Pathology, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karachi over a period from July 2020 to December 2020.
Materials and Methods: Ethical approval was granted by ethical committee of organization. Laboratory request forms and histopathology reports of all histologically diagnosed ovarian tumors registered in last five years were retrieved from the record and were analyzed, excluding small biopsies. All cystectomy, oophorectomy, salpingooophorectomy and total abdominal hysterectomy (with bilateral or unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy) specimens were included. Patients with non-neo-plastic ovarian lesions and functional cysts were not included.
A total of 408 cases fulfilled the inclusion criteria. We reviewed all the histopathology slides and reports of the cases in the study, and analyzed for histopathological type, subtype, grade and age of the patients.
Results: In a total of 408 cases, 288 (70.6%) were surface epithelial tumors, 85 (20.8%) germ cell tumors and 28 (6.9%) were sex cord-stromal in origin. Among surface epithelial tumors, 190 (66%) were benign, 85(29.5%) were malignant and only 13 (4.5%) were found to be borderline. The commonest benign tumor was serous cystadenoma. The commonest malignant tumor was serous cystadenocarcinoma followed by mucinous cystadenocarcinoma.
Conclusion: We concluded that findings of our series correspond to majority of the published national and western data; however mucinous epithelial tumor and germ cell tumors turnout are more common in our population as compared to the western population. Moreover, ovarian cancers tend to involve relatively younger women in our region in contrast to West.
Key Words: Ovarian tumors, epithelial ovarian tumor, Germ cell ovarian tumors, Surface epithelial tumors, Ovarian cystadenoma
Citation of article: Irfan A, Zafar MS, Jabeen S, Qamar N, Nusrat N, Asadullah. Frequency of Morphological Types of Ovarian Tumors in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Karachi. Med Forum 2021;32(2):37-41.