9. Emerging Trend of Self Harm by Using ‘Kala Pathar’ Hair Dye (Paraphenylene Diamine): An Epidemiological Study
Sidra Shahzadi, Hafiz Zarsham Ali Ikram and Sohail Akhtar
Objective: To study the demographic profile, clinical manifestations and outcomes in victims of 'Kala Pathar' hair dye (PPD) poisoning attending Medical emergency of a teaching hospital.
Study Design: Observational / descriptive study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Medical Emergency and Indoor Department of
District Teaching Hospital Gujranwala from May 2015 to July 2015
Materials and Methods: The total 110 patients with Paraphenylene Diamine poisoning admitted to the District teaching hospital Gujranwala, through the history of the Kala pathar hair dye intake into the A & E room and Medical indoor of Hospital were studied. Conservative treatment & Tracheostomy as a lifesaving measure in all cases (with acute neck and laryngeal edema) was done. Data was analyzed & results were presented in the form of tables & figures.
Results: Total 110 cases of Kala Pathar intake were included in our study out of which 95 were females & 15 were males. Most of the cases belong to age group 11-20 years that were 57 (51.82%) then by 21-30 years of age 34 % and then 31-40 years of age 12 %. 105 (96%) patients were belonging to a lower socioeconomic status and they were from rural areas. Only 5(4%) belonged to urban areas. Suicidal tendencies, involving almost all 110 cases both men and women. Most of the patients had burning, throat and abdominal pain. All Kala Pathar poisoning cases developed angioneurotic edema, dyspnea, and neck swollen strider victim.
ARF was the dose-dependent of the dye and observed in the cases where intake of more than 50 ml. Seventy nine percent (79%) of patients were discharged after well-managed and 24 (22%) died due to complications such as ARF, pneumonia, septic shock. Out of 24 cases who died, 20 (83.33%) were female and 4 (16.67%) were men.
Conclusion: Kala Pathar Paraphenylene diamine poisoning is more common in women with younger age groups, belonging to rural areas associated with high mortality rates. Cases should be diagnosed early, and start management quickly, since no specific antidote is available. The burden of this situation has been increasing, and there is an urgent need for public awareness about the toxic effects of hair dye (PPD). 'Kala Pathar’ sale should be restricted by the relevant authorities.
Key Words: Kala Pathar; Paraphenylene Diamine; Hair Dye; Suicide; Intentional Self Injury; Poisoning.
Citation of article: Shahzadi S, Ikram HZA, Akhtar S. Emerging Trend of Self Harm by Using ‘Kala Pathar’ Hair Dye (Paraphenylene diamine): An Epidemiological Study. Med Forum 2017;28(5):38-40.