9. Effects of Allium Sativum Extract (ASE) on Blood Lipoproteins and Blood Indices in Wistar Albino Rat Model
Kashif Rasheed Shaikh1, Alina Saqib2 and Umair Ali Soomro3
Objective: To study the effects of Allium sativum extract (ASE) on blood lipoproteins and blood indices in Wistar albino rat model.
Study design: Experimental study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Animal House, Isra University Hyderabad from September 2014 to June 2015.
Materials and Methods: 80 albino rats were divided into 4 groups; Group 1- Controls (Placebo 0.9% isotonic saline), Group 2- ASE 100 mg/kg, Group 3- ASE 200 mg/kg and Group 4- ASE 300 mg/kg were given orally for 30 days. Blood sample was collected by cardiac puncture. Statistical analysis was performed on SPSS 22.0 by one way ANOVA and post Hoc Duncan test at 95% confidence interval.
Results: Triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDLc and HDLc showed statistically significant differences among groups (p =0.0001). High dose fed ASE showed significant reductions in TAG, TC and LDLc and a rise in HDLc. Also the blood indices showed improvement in ASE treated rats (p=0.001).
Conclusion: The Allium sativum extract reduces triglycerides, total ch lester l and low density lipoproteins and increases high density lipoprotein (HDLc). Blood indices were also impr ved in high dose rats. Key Words: Allium sativum, Blood lipoproteins, Blood indices, Rats
Citation of article: Shaikh KR, Saqib A, Soomro UA. Effects of Allium Sativum Extract (ASE) on Blood Lipoproteins and Blood Indices in Wistar Albino Rat Model. Med Forum 2016;27(7):34-37.