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9. A Biochemical and Morphological Comparison of the Role of L-Arginine on the High Saturated and Unsaturated Fat Diet Induced Changes on Adrenocortical Cells of Albino Rats
Iram Qudous1, Imtiaz Manzoor2 and Aisha Qamar3
Objective: Fatty diet produces both biochemical and histological changes in the adrenal cortex of albino rats. Present study objectives were to see if L-Arginine ameliorates the affects produced by both saturated and unsaturated fat equally.
Study Design: A prospective experimental study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Anatomy, BMSI, JPMC, Karachi from August to October 2008.
Materials and Methods: A total of 50 Albino rats weighing 200-240gms, aged 190da s were divided into 5 groups. Group A received standard laboratory diet .Group B received 20% saturated added fat as unsalted butter in diet
.Group C received 20% unsaturated added fat as corn oil in diet .Group D received saturated fat with L-Arginine 300mg /kg body weight /day orally. Group E received unsaturated fat al ng with L-Arginine 300mg/kg body weight/day orally. After 8 weeks study period, animals were weighed and sacrificed and blood was drawn for hormonal assays. Adrenal glands were removed and fixed in buffered neutral f rmalin. They were then sectioned with cryostat in 10µm sections and stained with Oil red O to visualize fat in cells.
Results: Highly significant decrease observed in both ACTH and orticosterone levels in Group D and E when compared to B and C respectively, but insignificant difference was found between D&E. Oil red O stained sections showed less densely packed fat globules in group D and E ompared to B and C respectively. The results when compared between D and E were not significant.
Conclusion: L-Arginine lowers down the level of stress hormones in body and amount of fat in cortical cells in both groups receiving saturated and unsaturated fat diet w th L-Arg nine but their comparison didn’t show significant difference statistically.
Key Word: Saturated fat, Unsaturated fat, Adre al gla d, L-Arginine.
Citation of articles: Qudous I, Manzoor I, Qamar A. A Biochemical and Morphological Comparison of the Role of L-Arginine on the High Sa u a ed and Unsaturated fat Diet Induced Changes on Adrenocortical Cells of Albino Rats. Med Forum 2017;28(8):32-35.