8. Functional Outcome of Frozen Shoulder Treated with Physiotherapy VS Intrarticular Injection of Corticosteroid
Abbas Memon, Shakeel Ahmed and Mehtab Ahmed Pirwani
Objective: To assess the functional outcome of frozen shoulder when treated with physiotherapy vs intrarticular injection of corticosteroid the department of Orthopaedics Surgery of LUH Hyderabad/ Jamshoro Study Design: Observational / comparative study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out in the Orthopaedic Department of LUMHS, Hyderabad/ Jamshoro from August 2013 to March 2014.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 100 cases between age of 40-70 years selected after diagnosis of frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. All the cases having pain into shoulder moving function for minimum 3 months of period, both gender and detected adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder were included in the study. Later on, subjects were isolated at random into groups, 48 cases of group A were underwent intrarticular injection of corticosteroid and the 52 cases of group B were underwent physiotherapy management. Result assessed at 4 and 8 weeks follow up continue at 16 weeks.
Results: In this study mean age was found 55.23+9.8 years. In this forth week follow up visit we found more improved patients 29/69% in Interarticular Injections group out f 42 cases, and in 23/50.5% cases found improvement in physiotherapy group out of 45 cases. Similarly 4th and 8th week f llow-up on 16th week also some cases were missed, but on this follow up visit we found physiotherapy is the superior than Interarticular Injections group. As well as in this 16th week follow up visit we found improvement in the majority of patients 30/81.0% in physiotherapy group out of remaining total 37 cases, and in 17/58.6% cases found improvement in Interarticular Injections group out of remaining 29 cases.
Conclusion: Physiotherapy has better result in redu e pa n and range of movement (ROM) exercise than Interarticular injections of cortisone plus home exerc se the long time.
Key Words: frozen shoulder, Physiotherapy, Interart cular jections of cortisone
Citation of article: Memon A, Ahmed S, Pi wa i MA. Fu ctional Outcome of Frozen Shoulder Treated with
Physiotherapy VS Intrarticular Injec ion f C tic steroid. Med Forum 2016;27(8):27-30.