7. Umbilical Artery Blood Acid-Based Status in Fetal Growth Restriction with Normal and Abnormal Doppler Studies
Isma Rauf1, Talat Nelofer1, Yasir Arfat2 and Adnan Rauf3
Objective: The objective of this study was to determine and compare the acid-base status of the umbilical artery blood in growth restricted fetuses having normal and abnormal Doppler studies at the time of C-Section via Doppler velocimetry.
Study Design: Descriptive / Cross-sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Women Medical College, Abbottabad, and Women & Children Hospital Abbottabad from June 2019 to December 2019.
Materials and Methods: Patients attending the antenatal OPD Clinic, with singleton pregnancy were enrolled for the study and patients with structural anomalies were excluded. Consents from the patients were obtained and history was recorded. IUGR fetuses were divided into two groups; group A (normal Doppler flow) and group B (abnormal Doppler flow).These patients were followed up till delivery and at the time of C- section umbilical artery sampling was done .The data was scored and analyzed statistically.
Results: Doppler Studies results indicated that the mean pulsatility index of Group A was 0.622± 0.148 and that of group B was 0.862±0.120 which is statistically significantly different. Acid Base study Patients with abnormal Doppler had significantly more frequent abnormal acid base status. The abnormal ABGs in patients with abnormal Doppler was 6.231 (95% C1 2.351=16.513). The mean pH of the patients in the normal doppler group was 7.14±.098 and that in the abnormal Doppler group was 7.03±0.14. This difference in pH was statistically significant, the abnormal Doppler group having significantly more acidosis. APGAR score. 1min in the abnormal ABG group 15 (34.9%) babies had an APGAR score of > 7 at 01 minute as opposed to 22 (59.4%) in the normal ABG group. In the abnormal ABG group 28 (65.1%) babies had an APGAR score of 0-6 at 01 minute as opposed to 15 (40.5%) in the normal ABG group. The mean APGAR score at 05 minute in the abnormal Doppler flow group was 6.901±.23 and the mean APGAR score at 05 minute in the normal Doppler flow group was 7.55±.75.The differences in 05minute APGAR score was statistically significant between the two groups; p=0.006
Conclusion: Babies with abnormal umbilical artery Doppler had significantly more frequent chances of having abnormal blood gas status on cord umbilical artery bloodanalysis. Therefore, acid-base at the time of birth help to improve fetal surveillance.
Key Words: umbilical artery blood, acid-based status, fetal growth restriction, doppler studies, fetal surveillance.
Citation of article: Rauf I, Nelofer T, Arfat Y, Rauf A. Umbilical Artery Blood Acid-Based Status in Fetal Growth Restriction with Normal and Abnormal Doppler Studies. Med Forum 2020;31(9):25-29.