7. Protective Effects of Chronic Methylcobalamin Administration against Lithium Carbonate Induced Purkinje Cell Toxicity in Albino Rats
1. Khalid Saeed 2. Tazeen Kohari
1. Asstt. Prof. of Physiology, 2. Asstt. Prof. of Anatomy, Liaquat College of Medicine and Dentistry, Karachi
Objective: The effect of Lithium on central nervous system is well known but due to paucity of literature on scavenging effect of Lithium, this study was undertaken to see Lithium toxicity on cerebellar Purkinje neurons. Study Design: Experimental study.
Place and Duration of study: This study was carried out at Animal House, JPMC, Karachi from April 2012 to June 2012.
Materials and Methods: Fifteen male albino rats of 195-245 grams were selected and divided into three major groups A, B, and C. Each major group consisted of 5 animals. Time period of this study was12 weeks. Group A served as control group which was given normal healthy lab diet and B was the Lithium Carbonate-treated group. Group C received Lithium carbonate in powder form and injection Methylcobalamin (B12) intraperitoneally. Lithium carbonate was given at a dose of 20mg/kg/day to group B and C f r 12 weeks, and Methylcobalamin was injected at a dose of 200µg/kg/day/bwt. Purkinje cell count was perf rmed with a counting reticule under light microscope.
Results: The present study concluded that Lithium carbonate when administered the 12 weeks cause the significant decrease of Purkinje cell count and Methylcobalamin restored the erebellar cell count.
Conclusion: In the light of this study it was concluded that that Lithium carbonate causes significant permanent loss of permanent Purkinje cell neuron but Methylcobalam n prov ded neuroprotective effect and restored the cell count. Key Words: Methylcobalamin, Lithium Carbo ate, Tox ty
Citation of article: Saeed K, Kohari T. Pr tective Effects of Chronic Methylcobalamin Administration against Lithium Carbonate Induced Pu kinje cell T xicity in Albino Rats. Med Forum 2016;27(2):25-27.