7. Association of Serum CTX-I Levels with Hormone Replacement and Interleukin Inhibitor Therapy in Peri-Menopausal Women Presenting in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Peshawar, KPK
1. Mehwish Durrani 2.Muhammad AslamQamar 3.Muhammad Abubakar
4. Muhammad Shafiq
1. Asstt. Prof. of Biochemistry,Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC), Peshawar 2. Assoc. Prof. of Anatomy, HMC, Peshawar 3.Registrar, HMC, Peshawar 4. Prof. of Biochemistry, Rehman Medical College Peshawar
Objective: To determine the association of serum CTX-I levels with hormone replacement and interleukin inhibitortherapies
Study Design: Descriptive cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC), Peshawar from June 2012 to August 2012.
Materials and Methods: A total of 100 peri-menopausal women were included in the study to determine the association of serum of CTX-I levels with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and interleukin inhibitors. These females were randomly selected and screened for osteoporosis. The age f study population was between 45-55 years. Informed consent was taken. Detailed history was obtained regarding occupation, income, family history, number of pregnancies and medications. Women with complaints of joint pains, history of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and any other bone disease were excluded from the study. They were radiologically assessed for osteoporosis by using Singh index as I to VI. Ethical approval for the study was taken from the Institutional Ethical Research Committee (IERC) of HMC. Blood samples were taken for estimation of hemoglobin, ESR, calcium, alkaline phosphatase and CTX-I.
Results: The levels of CTX-I were elevated in peri-me opausal women who were radiographically diagnosed as osteoporotic patients. However CTX-I levels we e either normal or insignificantly raised in women taking either HRT or interleukin inhibitors. The da a we e subjected to statistical analysis using Chi-square test on computer software SPSS-17. Results were expressed in fo m of tables.
Association and their significan e were sor ed out on the software. There was a significant association of CTX-I levels with both HRT & int rl ukin inhibitors (p = 0.000)
Conclusion: This study rev a d a signifi ant association of serum CTX-I levels with both hormone replacement and interleukin inhibitor th rapi s.
Key Words: osteoporosis, CTX-I, hormone replacement therapy, peri-menopausal women
Citation of article: Durrani M, Qamar MA, Abubakar M, Shafiq M. Association of Serum CTX-I Levels with Hormone Replacement and Interleukin Inhibitor Therapy in Peri-Menopausal Women Presenting in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Peshawar, KPK,Med Forum 2016;27(1):24-27.