6. Outcome of Rubber Band Ligation in Hemorrhoids
Muhammad Saleem Shaikh, Muharram Ali, Kheo Ram Dholia
Objective: To analyze the effectiveness, safety & outcome of treatment of hemorrhoids by using Rubber band ligation.
Study Design: Prospective study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Surgery Unit-II, CMC Hospital Larkana, from June 2014 to July 2017.
Material and Method: All patients with 1st,2nd and 3rd degree hemorrhoids were included in our study and exclusion criteria were patients not willing to involve in study,4th degree hemorrhoids, bleeding disorders, dual pathology of anal canal and previous history of anorectal surgery. The data related to name, age and gender were recorded. Rubber Band Ligation was performed as an office procedure in Out Patient Department. The patients were asked to return OPD for follow-up after two weeks, one month, six months and 1 year. The outcome was recorded and analyzed.
Results: Two hundred twenty patients with diagnosis 1st, 2 nd and 3rd degree hemorrhoids after fulfilling the inclusion criteria were enrolled with mean age of 43.5 years with SD+11.5. Majority of patients were having 2nd Degree hemorrhoids. Two third of patients having bleeding per rectum, constipation and something coming out per anus. The cure rate in our study was observed in 69%. Post procedure complications were observed in 13.1%, while recurrence rate was seen in 17.27%. Majority of the patients were having bleeding per rectum. Higher grade of hemorrhoids were observed having higher rate of complications. Statistically P-value (0.05) was significant,while P-value was not found significant when compared to gender (P=0.15).
Conclusion: Rubber Band Ligation is a simple, safe and effective modality of treatment in Out Patient Department for 1st,2nd and 3rd degree hemorrhoids, which can be performed in selected cases. The benefit of RBL has decreased the incidence of complications and does not alter the anorectal function.
Key Words: Bleeding per rectum, Rubber Band Ligation, hemorrhoidectomy, outcome.
Citation of article: Shaikh MS, Ali M, Dholia KR. Outcome of Rubber Band Ligation in Hemorrhoids. Med Forum 2017;28(11):24-28.