6. Oral Melanesia and Cigarette Smoking: A Cross Sectional Study
Muhammad Nadeem1, Uzma Zareef2 and Irum Munir Raja3
Objective: To measure the melanin pigmentation in oral cavity with its distribution and relation with cigarette smoke habit.
Study Design: Descriptive / cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Private Dental College named Liaquat College of Medicine and Dentistry (L.C.M.D), Karachi from October 2017 to November 2017.
Material and Methods: In this study we involved 378 adult aged between 18 to 35 years old those who attended free dental camp organized by L.C.M.D. The sum of 440 individual visited in O.P.D with out of these 378 means (86%) satisfied the selection criteria and contributed in this research. In sequence on socioeconomic status and proportions of cigarette habit was finding with the help of taken written interview. All participants undergo a dental intraoral assessment to examine presence of O.M on “buccal- lingual mucosa, gingival, palatal tissue, and floor of the mouth. As statically we did 2 statistics, the proportions check with 95% confidence intervals (C.I) for the different sets.
Results: The duration of smoking in years (2 = 24.6; P<0.001), the severity of smoking (2=68.6; P<0.001), and the type of cigarette (2=25.6; P<0.001) were significantly associated with the occurrence of O.M”. In the smokers, melanin pigmentation was further regularly established on the buccal mucosa with result of chi square=35.1 and pie values is less than 0.001; on the other hand with non cigarette smoke person the mucosa on lingual side was more regularly affected chi square =0.02 and pie values is equal to0.53.
Conclusion: There is a significant dose response relationship between oral melanises and cigarette smoking. Key Words: Oral Melanises, Cigarette Smoke habit, White Lesion
Citation of articles: Nadeem M, Zareef U, Raja IM. Oral Melanesia and Cigarette Smoking: A Cross
Sectional Study. Med Forum 2018;29(2):24-27.