5. Functional Outcome of Nonunion Mid Shaft Tibia With NA (Naseer-Awais) Fixator
Muhammad Zeb Tunio, Abdul Malik Shaikh, Kashif Iqbal Tebani and Mushtaque
Ahmed Shaikh
Objective: Management and functional outcome of nonunion mid shaft tibia with NA (Naseer-Awais) fixator.
Study Design: Experimental study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Orthopaedic Unit at Chandka Medical Hospital/Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University Larkana from January 2012 to 2014.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 70 patients. Both gender between 20 to 40 years having nonunion the follow up was done for 02 years according to (ASAMI) based on clinical& radiological outcome. Results: Out of 70, 55 (79%) were male, 15 (21%) were female. Male to female ratio 11:3 mean age was 30 years. Right leg (tibia) was involved in 45 (64.29%) patient, left tibia in 25 (35.71%) patient right/left leg ratio was 9:5 DCP 55 (78.57%), interlocking nail 15 (21.43%), pin track infection grade-I 20 (28.57%), headache 10 (14.27%), shortening 3 (4.29%). Results were excellent in 50 (71.43%), good 16 (22.86%), fair in 3 (4.2%) and poor in 1 (1.43%). Functional result excellent were 61 (87.14%), good 8 (11.43%) fair 2 (2.86%) patients.
Conclusion: This type of fixation is very cheap, easy available local made less cumber some and technically easy to apply. Applying compression forces at fracture site after freshening and debridement of ends with bone graft with local version of external fixator and unipolar configuration of this is more comfortable than others light, easy in cleaning, well in outlook, movements at two joints can be easily performed.
Key Words: Functional outcome, Nonunion mid shaft tibia, NA fixator, Road traffic accident
Citation of article: Tunio MZ, Shaikh AM, Tebani KI, Shaikh MA. Functional Outcome of Nonunion Mid Shaft Tibia With NA (Naseer-Awais) Fixator. Med Forum 2017;28(1):18-21.