4.Gender Based Comparison of Stress in Students Appearing for University Entrance Test
Saleem Ullah Abro1, Qurratulain Saleem2, Ghazala Masood Farukh3, Lubna Raza4,
Soofia Nigar5, Muhammad Kamran5
Objective: To evaluate the Gender based comparison of stress in students appearing for university entrance test.
Study Design: Descriptive / cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Karachi Medical & Dental College, Karachi for two months from August to September 2021.
Materials and Methods: The 498 students were enrolled from various Entrance test/ aptitude training (M-CAT/E-CAT) centers of Karachi and students were having history of psychiatric illness or history of taking drugs like anxiolytics or antidepressants were excluded from study. The Perceived Stress Scale was used to evaluate the degree of stress level in students. Data were analyzed by using SPSS- IBM 23.0 version, Counts with percentages were reported for baseline qualitative characteristics of studied samples included gender, educational board, education type, college. Mean Comparison of Perceived stress scores was done, by using ANOVA for the baseline factors. The results were having p-value <0.05, will be considered as statistically significant.
Results: The majority of participants were females 82% and 18% males, the mean age of samples was 18 (SD=±0.83) years, There were 42.1% students were having moderate stress level ranges between 14 – 26 units, and the mean perceived stress scores of sample was 21(SD=±10) and gender based comparison of perceived stress scores showed significant differences (P<0.05) in students.
Conclusion: It is observed from these observations in this research that mean gender based comparison with stress, showed significant difference (P<0.05), so we should have to work to elevate stress, so that achievements can be acquired.
Key Words: Gender, Perceived Stress, students
Citation of article: Abro S, Saleem Q, Farukh GM, Raza L, Nigar S, Kamran M. Gender Based Comparison of Stress in Students Appearing for University Entrance Test. Med Forum 2022;33(3):14-17.