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4.Determination of Aetiology for Delaying Replacement of Teeth in Partially Edentulous Arches Prosthodontically
Muhammad Sartaj Khan, Bushra Ubaid, Lubna Hashim, Afshan Alam and
Muhammad Raza
Objective: To determine the aetiology for which patient delay replacement of missing teeth with prosthesis.
Study Design: Cross sectional survey
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Prosthodontics, Peshawar Dental College Peshawar from October 2022 to January 2023.
Materials and Methods: The study had a sample of 200 patients representing both genders having 20 to 70 years range. The inclusion criteria had patients with partially edentulous arches in either maxilla or mandible. Patients with missing third molars and having craniofacial deformities were excluded from the study. A self structured questionnaire was used to collect demographic data and to find frequency for the variables belonging to missing teeth location in arch, side, and time passed without prostheses, reasons for extraction, Kennedy Class and reasons for not replacing missing teeth well in time.
Results: The females (61%) were more than males (39%) with 01.6 ratios. Most of partially edentulous arches were found in maxilla (48%) with posterior teeth missing (75%) belonging to Kennedy Class III (81%). Most of patients (84%) lost their teeth due to caries, 62% remained without prostheses for more than 1 year time and 64% were having no knowledge of non-replacement consequences of missing teeth. Along with other minor reasons, mainly delaying tooth replacement was attributed to lack of awareness (36%), felt no need (23%), economic (29%) and unavailability of prosthodontics services (8%).
Conclusion: Females had more partially edentulous arches and most of patient had Kennedy Class III arches in posterior segments. Lack of awareness, feeling no need for tooth replacement and economic conditions of patients were reported as main reasons for delaying replacement of missing teeth.
Key Words: Missing teeth, Partial edentulous arch, Dental awareness, Dental fear