41.Comparative Effects of Postural Correction VS Myofascial Release Among E-Sports Players with Neck Pain and Disability
Haris Bin Tariq1, Muzna Munir2, Ammar Hameed3, Zainab Hassan2, Naveed Anwar2 and Kehkshan Khalid2
Objective: To assess the comparative effects of posture correction vs myofascial release in e-sports players with neck pain and disability.
Study Design: A randomized controlled trial study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Kanaan Physiotherapy & Spine Clinic, Lahore from June 2020 till November 2020.
Materials and Methods: This trial was conducted on 50 e-sports players. Participants were selected through non-probability convenient sampling. Participants who fulfilled the inclusion/exclusion criteria were identified by an assessor and were enrolled for particular study. Informed written consent was taken by the participants and were randomly allocated to two groups. The study was single blinded. The assessor was unaware of the treatment given to both groups. Group A received the myofascial release treatment using Hawk Grips IASTM and Group B received posture correction exercises. The total no. of sessions was 12 and duration of treatment was 4 weeks (3 sessions
per week).
Results: The mean age of participants was 19.28 + 2.157 years. Non-parametric tests were performed as the data was not normally distributed. Within group comparison was done by using Wilcoxon signed rank test and it showed significant results in both groups, p-value 0.000 for both neck pain and neck disability. Between groups comparison was made by using Mann-Whitney U Test and it showed no significant changes in neck pain and neck disability, p-value 0.832 & 0.465 respectively.
Conclusion: It is concluded that the comparison between the myofascial release treatment and posture correction exercise program is insignificant however, significant improvements in neck pain and disability are seen within the participants of both groups.
Key Words: Neck Pain, Neck Disability, E-sports Players, Myofascial release technique, Posture correction
Citation of article: Tariq H, Munir M, Hameed A, Hassan Z, Anwar N, Khalid K. Comparative Effects of Postural Correction VS Myofascial Release Among E-Sports Players with Neck Pain and Disability. Med Forum 2021;32(10):185-189.