4. Correlation of Electrolytes Derangements with Hepatitis C induced Liver Cirrhosis Severity Indices
Muhammad Saleem Akhter1, Muhammad Arif Mahmood1, Hooria Bhatti3, Muhammad Waqar Saleem4, Ahsanullah M Mirbahar2 and Junaid Riaz1
Objective: To find Correlation of Electrolytes Derangements with Hepatitis C induced Liver Cirrhosis Severity Indices.
Study Design: A cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Study was conducted at the department of medicine, Nishtar Medical University/Hospital, Multan, from April 2020 to Dec 2020.
Materials and Methods: We studied on 54 HCV infected cirrhotic patients confirmed by presence of Anti-HCV antibodies/ HCV RNA by PCR in their serum. MELD Score, Child-Pugh Score and Child-Pugh Class were calculated. Routine serum electrolytes were measured and electrolytes abnormalities were assessed for any significant relationship with MELD Score, Child-Pugh Score and Child-Pugh Class.
Results: Linear curve estimation analysis of Child Pugh score with sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate and magnesium showed a statistically significant relationship (p<0.05) with Pearson correlation coefficient (r) 0.391, 0.125, 0.460, 0.370 and 0.087 respectively. Linear curve estimation analysis of MELD score with sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate and magnesium showed a statistically significant relationship (p<0.05) with Pearson correlation coefficient (r) 0.430, 0.284, 0.129, 0.296, and 0.012 respectively. Chi Square test indicated a statistically significant association between sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate and magnesium with Child Pugh class (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Our data suggest moderate to strong relationship between various electrolytes abnormalities with MELD Score, Child-Pugh Score and Child-Pugh Class in Hepatitis C induced liver Cirrhosis.
Key Words: Hepatitis C induced cirrhosis, Electrolytes Abnormalities, MELD Score, Child-Pugh Score, and ChildPugh Class.
Citation of article: Akhter MS, Mahmood MA, Bhatti H, Saleem MW, Mirbahar MA, Riaz J. Correlation of Electrolytes Derangements with Hepatitis C induced Liver Cirrhosis Severity Indices. Med Forum