39. Use of Laser Hair Removal after Pilonidal Surgery
Imran Idris Butt1, Munawar Nadeem1, Rehan Anwar1, Kamran Hamid4,
Muhammad Sabir2 and A. Hamid3
Objectives: To study the role of laser hair removal after pilonidal surgery.
Study Design: Prospective / Experimental study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot. July 2014 to July
Materials and Methods: This study included sixty patients in the department of surgery at Idris Teaching Hospital Sialkot during July 2014 to July 2016. In all cases of pilonidal surgery the laser hair removel was used to remove the hair on buttocas, perianal region, and lower back of the patients. The performa was designed to record age, sex, history of the pilonidal sinus disease, date of surgery, surgery type, number of laser treatments. The numbers of laser hair removal treatments were from 2 to 5 and performed at the intervals of 6 to 8 week. Laser hair removal performed after healing from pilonidal surgery. The follow up of all the patients was also recorded. The consent of every patient was taken before pilonidal surgery and laser treatment. The data was analyzed for results by SPSS version 10.
Results: In our study it was found that the maximum (45%) 27 cases of pilonidal sinus disease were between the age of 18 – 23 years and minimum (1.6%) 01 case at the age of 39 and above. The study showed (93.3%) 56 cases were male and (6.7%) 04 cases were female. It means the incidence of pilonidal sinus disease was maximum in male as compared to female. The socio economic status distribution was much higher (42-50%) 25-30 cases in high and middle socio economic class as compared to low socio economic class (8.3%) 05 cases. Maximum (90%) 54 patients of pilonidal sinus disease were from urban area as compared to rural area (10%) 06 patients. The surgery of pilonidal sinus disease was conducted within 24 hours after admission of the patients. All the patients were discharged from the hospital within 24-48 hours. The return to work time was 1-2 weeks in all of 60 patients and healing time was 3-5 weeks. The recurrence was (14%) 08 cases in primary closure and (10%) 06 cases was after secondary healing.
Conclusion: We advise the use of laser hair removal after pilonidal surgery. As this decreases the chance of recurrence.
Key Words: Excision, Laser Hair Removel, Pilonidal sinus disease, Recurrence, Primary and Secondary healing.
Citation of article: Butt II, Nadeem M, Anwar R, Hamid K, Sabir M, Hamid A. Use of Laser Hair Removal after Pilonidal Surgery. Med Forum 2017;28(4):152-154.