37. Patterns and Percentages of Pathological Lesions in Clinically Palpable Breast Lumps
Gulshan Ali Memon1, Qamar Raza Brohi2, Habib-ur-Rehman1, Syed Kashif Ali1 and Shahida Baloch1
Objectives:To find out patterns and percentages of pathological lesions in clinically palpable breast lump(s).
Study Design:Cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Surgical unit-I of Peoples Medical College, hospital of Nawabshah from March 2015 to April 2017.
Materials and Methods:In sample size, a total number of 230 female patients with ages from 16 to 70 years having clinically palpable breast lump(s) were enrolled after having ultrasound. While patients with suspicious lump (s) in breast were subjected to mammography before having Tru-cut (core) biopsy. Referred patients having already histopathological reports, cysts on ultrasound or patient having previous surgeries on breast were not enrolled in this study. All the data was entered in SPPS version 20 and statical analysis was done.
Results: In total number of 230 patients, the clinically palpable lumps were most common in left breast 141 (61%) then in right breast 82 (36%) and 7 (3%) were bilateral.
Conclusions:A clinically suspicious mass should be biopsied, regard less of imaging findings. The percentages of benign breast disease pattern (67.40%) in clinically palpable lump are higher than malignant (32.60%) in present study.
Keywords:Breast lumps, Pathological lesions of breast, carcinoma breast.
Citation of article:Memon GA, Brohi QR, Rehman H, Ali SK, BalochS. Patterns and Percentages of Pathological Lesions in Clinically Palpable Breast Lumps.Med Forum 2017;28(5):153-155.