35. Antenatal Breast Feeding Counseling of Mother and Family for Early Initiation of Breast Feeding and Improving of Milk Production is a Major Tool
Bakhtiar Ahmed1, Ubedullah Bahal Kani1, Mumtaaz Ali Bharo2, Kamran Ali1 and Sheraz Ahmed1
Objective: To study the Antenatal breast feeding counseling of mother and family for early initiation of breast feeding and improving of milk production is a major tool.
Study Design: Community-based cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the This study was conducted at the Department of Pediatrics, Khair Pur Mirs Medical College, Khair Pur Mirs during Jan 2020 to Dec 2020.
Materials and Methods: Three hundred mothers and their family community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Imran Idris teaching Hospital Sialkot during Jan 2020 to Dec 2020. The Antenatal breast feeding counseling of mother and family was done for early initiation of breast feeding and improving of milk production is a major tool. The informed written consent was taken before taking the data. The permission of Ethical Committee of the institute was taken before collecting the data and get publishing in Medical Journal. The results were made by SPSS version twenty.
Results: The incidence of breast feeding was maximum 160 (53.33%) at age group 16-26 years and was minimum 20 (6.66%) at age group 38-40 years. The mothers visited for antenatal care were 284 (94.6%) and 16 (5.3%) did not visited for antenatal care. The incidence of breast feeding in children was maximum 210 (70%) at age group 1-10 months and was minimum 20 (6.66%) at age group 21-24 months
Conclusion: It was concluded that the practice of early initiation of breastfeeding was low when it is compared to World Health Organization recommendation. World Health Organization suggested that every newborn baby has to feed breast milk within one hour after birth and feed colostrum.
Key Words: Feeding of colostrum, Early initiation, Breast feeding
Citation of article: Ahmed B, kani UB, Bharo MA, Ali K, Ahmed S. Antenatal Breast Feeding Counseling of Mother and Family for Early Initiation of Breast Feeding and Improving of Milk Production is a Major Tool. Med Forum 2021;32(3):143-145.