34. Association of Serum Calcium Level and Febrile Fits
Ubedullah Bahalkani1, Sheeraz Ahmed1, Bakhtiar Ahmed1, Mumtaz Ali Bharo2 and Kamran Ali1
Objective: To study the Association of Serum Calcium level and febrile fits.
Study Design: Observational study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Pediatrics, Khair Pur Mirs Medical College, Khair Pur Mirs during January 2019 to December 2020.
Materials and Methods: This observational study was done on fifty children (six months to five year old) detected with febrile fits as the cases and forty year matched febrile children as the control group. Serum calcium, levels were measured. Results were analyzed with SPSS (version 20) using Student t-test. The informed consent of parents in every case was taken before collecting the samples. The permission of Ethical Committee was taken before collection of data and get published in Medical Journal.
Results: The age of patients of febrile fit was 35±13.2 and in control age was 36±10.99 and p value was P=0.09. There were 22 (44%) male and 28 (56%) female children in control and 24 (48%) male and 26 (52%) female children in control and P value was P=0.7. There was 8.72±0.46 mg calcium in febrile fit patients and 9.15±0.58 mg in control children and P<0.001 which was significant difference
Conclusion: Deficiency of calcium was correlated significantly with febrile fits, while further investigations on trace elements are required.
Key Words: Calcium, Febrile convulsion, Children
Citation of article: Bahalkani U, Ahmed S, Ahmed B, Bharo MA, Ali K. Association of Serum Calcium Level and Febrile Fits. Med Forum 2021;32(3):140-142.