32.Bolton’s Tooth Size Discrepancy in Skeletal and Dental Class I, II and III Malocclusion Patients, Seeking Orthodontic Treatment at Liaquat University Hospital Jamshoro/ Hyderabad
Tariq Aziz1, Abdul Jabbar2, Syed Rizwan Shah3, Abdul Bari Memon4, Ramesh Lal2 and Maryam Mushtaq5
Objective: To evaluate Bolton's tooth size discrepancy in skeletal and dental Class I, II and III malocclusion.
Study Design: Analytic study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Orthodontics, Institute of dentistry, LUMHS Jamshoro/Hyderabad from 01-07-2019 to 31-12-2019.
Materials and Methods: This study consisted of 73 patients. The patients were grouped into three classes of malocclusions based on Angle’s molar classification on study cast and Steiner’s ANB angle on lateral cephalometric radiograph. The Bolton analysis was performed on study cast. The researcher took all the measurements with the help of digital calipers, from right first molar to left first molar in both upper and lower arches. The data were analyzed by SPSS version 23.0 (Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to statistically compare the overall and anterior ratios among the different malocclusions. To assess gender dimorphism independent student t-test was performed and level of significance was set at p- value < 0.05.
Results: Out of 73 patients included in this study 22 were female (30.13%) and 51 male (69.86%); with female to male ratio of 1:2.3. The mean age was 21±2.41 years. Of 73 patients, 14 (19.17%) were of Class I, 46 (63.01) Class II and 13 (17.8%) were of Class III patients. A mean Overall Bolton ratio of 92.30 ±2.93 and a mean anterior Bolton ratio of 79.17 ±5.19 was obtained for the complete sample. The one-way analysis of variance revealed insignificant relationship with p – value of 0.186 and 0.572 for overall ratio and anterior ratio respectively in different malocclusion groups. Regarding gender dimorphism, Independent sample t-test showed no significant relationship with P-value of 0.483 and 0.426 for overall ratio and anterior ratio respectively.
Conclusion: This study's result revealed no statistically significant difference between overall Bolton’s ratio and anterior ratio in all malocclusion groups. Though higher anterior ratio was observed in Class I and III than the Bolton’s standard values. Also, statistically insignificant relationship was observed between gender &Bolton’s ratio.
Key Words: Tooth Size Discrepancy, Bolton ratio, Malocclusion
Citation of article: Aziz T, Jabbar A, Shah SR, Memon A, Lal R, Mushtaq M. Bolton’s Tooth Size Discrepancy in Skeletal and Dental Class I, II and III Malocclusion Patients, Seeking Orthodontic Treatment at Liaquat University Hospital Jamshoro/Hyderabad. Med Forum 2021;32(10):146-150.