31. Frequency of Osteoporosis in Women Having Age ≥ 40 Years (The Multidisciplinary Study)
Faheem Ahmed Memon1, Siraj Ahmed Butt1, Muhammad Kashif Shaikh2, Shakeel Ahmed Memon1, Aamir Usman Memon1 and Abdul Ghani Shaikh3
Objective: To determine the frequency of osteoporosis in women having age ≥ 40 years.
Study Design: Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Liaquat University Hospital, Hyderabad / Jamshoro during January 2018 to April 2018.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on the women aged ≥40 years while the exclusion criteria were patients already on treatment of osteoporosis, known cases of connective tissue disorders (RA / SLE), and already on corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapy. All the relevant females were explored for osteoporosis by taking detail clinical history, specific physical examination and along with baseline investigations the bone mineral density was determined through DEXA-BMD (dual energy x- ray absorptiometry) machine. The procedure is non-invasive and subjects with T- score less than -2.5 were considered as osteoporotic, the score between -2.5 & -1 was considered as osteopenic and the score > -1 were taken as normal. The frequency and percentages were computed for categorical variables whereas the mean ± SD was computed for numerical variables.
Results: During four months study period total fifty women of age ≥40 years were recruited and studied had mean age ± SD identified as 58.51±7.71 (yrs). The diabetes mellitus was observed in 22 (44%), regarding residence urban and rural population were identified as 20 (40%) and 30 (60%) while the hypertension was observed in 22 (44%) whereas regarding the BMD the osteoporosis was seen in 28 (56%), osteopenia in 10 (20%) while it was normal in 12 (24%) women.
Conclusion: The osteoporosis is a silent disorder reflected as low bone densit and ultimately leads to fractures.
Key Words: Osteoporosis, Women and Old age
Citation of article: Memon FA, Butt SA, Shaikh MK, Memon SA, Memon AU, Shaikh AG. Frequency of Osteoporosis in Women Having Age ≥ 40 Years (The Multidisciplinary Study). Med Forum 2021;32(3):