30. Assessment of Positive Troponin I in Non-Acute Coronary Syndrome Critically ill Patients
Sarfraz Ali Mangi, Faisal Ahmed, Naveen Roy, Rubina Khan, Imran Khan Sandeelo and Sumayya Zaman
Objective: To determine the frequency of positive Troponin I in non-acute coronary syndrome critically ill patients, at a tertiary care hospital, Karachi.
Study Design: Descriptive / cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Cardiology Unit at Liaquat National Hospital Karachi from June 2019 to Dec 2019.
Materials and Methods: Total 148 patients of either gender with age between 35 to 70 years, diagnosed as critical illness were included. Non-ACS was diagnosed through ECG and echocardiography findings. Blood sample was taken for a troponin I test. Outcome variable was diagnosis of elevated Troponin I level. SPSS version 21 used for data analysis. Mean±SD were calculated for quantitative variables. Qualitative variables presented as frequency and percentages. Chi square test was applied and p-value ≤0.05 was taken as significance.
Results: There were 111 male and 37 female patients. The mean age was 51.15±9.76 years. The mean troponin-I score was 3.08±7.47 ng/mL with range 50.7(0.3–51.0). The elevated troponin-I was observed in 84(56.8%) patients. The result showed that age was significantly association with elevated troponin but gender, duration of illness, hypertension, and smoking status were not significantly association.
Conclusion: In conclusion there was high prevalence of cardiac troponin-positive patients admitted with critical illness other than ACS. It increases with the increase in age, predominant in male gender but no significant association with risk factors was noted.
Key Words: Positive Troponin I, Non-Acute Coronary Syndrome, Critically Ill Patients
Citation of article: Mangi SA, Ahmed F, Roy N, Khan R, Sandeelo IK, Zaman S. Assessment of Positive Troponin I in Non-Acute Coronary Syndrome Critically ill Patients. Med Forum 2020;31(9):125-129.