3. To Determine the Frequency and Pattern of Common Electrolyte Abnormalities in Children Presenting with Acute Gastroenteritis
Irfan Ullah1, Irfan Khan1, Muhammad Shafiq1, Farida Sherazi2, Khalid Khan1 and Khalil Ahmad3
Objective: To Determine the frequency and pattern of common electrolyte abnormalities in children presenting with acute gastroenteritis.
Study Design: Cross sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the pediatric department Qazi Hussain Ahmad medical complex Nowshera from July 2019 to December 2019.
Materials and Methods: In this study 109 children were included. About 5 ml Blood was taken and sent to the laboratory for assessment of electrolyte abnormalities including hypo- & hyper-natremia, hypo- & hyper-kalemia.
Results: In our study, the mean age of children was 4 ± 5.57 years. There were 56% male and 44% female children. The frequency of pattern of common electrolyte abnormalities like hyponatremia was 28%, hypernatremia was 19%, hypokalemia was 12%, hyperkalemia was 7% among children presenting with acute gastroenteritis.
Conclusion: Our study concludes that frequency of pattern of common electrolyte abnormalities like hyponatremia was 28%, hypernatremia was 19%, hypokalemia was 12%, hyperkalemia was 7%among children presenting with acute gastroenteritis.
Key Words: Pattern of common electrolyte abnormalities, children, acute gastroenteritis.
Citation of article: Ullah I, Khan I, Shafiq M, Sherazi F, Khan K Ahmad K. To Determine the Frequency and Pattern of Common Electrolyte Abnormalities in Children Presenting with Acute Gastroenteritis. Med Forum 2020;31(9):9-12.