3. The Impact of Seminal Zinc on Sperm Morphology in Infertile Pakistani Patients
Mohammad Shoaib Khan1, Rafat Ullah2 and Muhammad Ashraf3
Objective: The present study was designed to assess the impact of seminal Zinc on sperm morphological abnormalities in infertile patients.
Study Design: Descriptive analytical study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Reproductive physiology/Health, Public Health Laboratories Division, National Institute of Health, Islamabad and compiled in the Department of Biochemistry, Bannu Medical College, Bannu from March 2016 to March 2017.
Materials and Methods: Total 1181 subjects were included in the study, out of which 353, 535, 159, 37 were oligozoospermic, asthenozoospermic, oligoasthenozoospermic, teratozoospermic, along 97 proven fathers as control.
Results: The results of the study showed that seminal zinc was 598.48 ± 12.95, 617.54± 9.55, 542.29± 22.75, 710.36± 7.87, and 762.06± 8.99 in oligozoospermic, asthenozoospermic, oligoasthenozoospermic, teratozoospermic, and proven fathers groups respectively, while, head, neck & tail defects in these groups were 26.420.97, 6.640.41 & 6.600.35, 23.400.86, .4.860.29, & 8.890.49, 31.691.47, 10.820.73 & 8.490.62, 75.432.99, 4.320.89 & 10.081.39, 11.320.87, 1.920.23, & 4.240.62 respectively, showing significant (p<0.05) decline trend in seminal Zinc level whenever, the overall sperm abnormalities gets increased. Out of sperm abnormalities among these groups, the head abnormalities are more prominent as compared to neck & tail defects
Conclusion: It is concluded, that decrease level of seminal Zinc, not only causes hypogonadism, and arrest of spermatogenesis, but also affect the quality and quantity of sperms, and ultimately leads to male infertility.
Key Words: Semen Zinc, sperm morphology, male infertile patients.
Citation of articles: Khan MS, Ullah R, Ashraf M. The Impact of Seminal Zinc on Sperm Morphology in Infertile Pakistani Patients. Med Forum 2018;29(7):12-15.