3. Smile arc Preference in Various Facial Proportions
Nabila Anwar, Rizwan Shah and Hassan Naveed
Objective: To elucidate the effect of alteration of smile arcs on attractiveness of the smile and to find the most attractive smile arc for a particular face type. Study Design: Cross sectional analytic study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at Rehmat Memorial Post-graduate Teaching Hospital (Women Medical and Dental College, Abbottabad for a period of June 2017 to February 2018.
Materials and Methods: Photographs of two selected male and female subjects were altered to produce three face types for each individual. Smile arc was then altered in the produced facial types. The pictures were then rated for attractiveness by different professionals.
Results: The total number of raters was 100 with the mean age of 30.3 years ± 8 years. The alterations in the smile arc produced statistically significant difference in the attractiveness of faces whereas the perception difference was found to be insignificant amongst raters of different professions. Consonant smile arc was preferred in all subjects except for brachyfacial subjects where a flat smile arc was preferred.
Conclusion: The variability in various smile arcs showed significant difference in the esthetic score. Preferred smile arc was found for individual face types.
Key Words: Face types, Smile arc, Facial esthetics
Citation of articles: Anwar N, Shah R, Naveed H. Smile arc Preference in Various Facial Proportions. Med
Forum 2018;29(6):11-15.