3. Relationship of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with Job Attitude and Behavior: employee’s Perception. “A study of Public & Private Hospitals in Lahore Pakistan”
1. Muhammad Usman Siddique 2. Syed Zain ul Abideen 3. Muhammad Mohsin Riaz
4. Attique-ur-Rehman 5. S.A. Jafri
1. M.Phil Student Global Institute (CFE Campus) Lahore & Assistant Director, Fatima Memorial College of
Medicine & Dentistry (FMCM&D), Lahore 2. M.Phil Student NCBA&E, Lahore 3. Lecturer, Government Degree
College Mustafabad, Kasur 4. Asstt. Prof., Management Science Department, UVAS, Lahore 5. Prof. of Physiology,
FMCM&D, Lahore
Objective: The main objective of the study to find out the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with Job attitude and behavior that how employee (paramedical & administration) of a hospital take care of their patients.
Study Design Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out in the Global Institute (CFE Campus) Lahore from March 2014 to July 2014.
Materials and Methods: Sampling frame collected from employees and managers who are working in various hospitals of Lahore. Non-probability sampling techniques are used which does not involve random selection. Questionnaire was conducted in the form of closed ended question. Survey was conducted from June. During the survey, overall 204 questionnaires were distributed. Participant responded on the questionnaire on a scale of 1to 5.
Results: The highest value is job behavior (0.763) factor which is 76.3% and it shows that the employee perception of CSR has greater influence by the job behavior factor as compare to the other variables. Mostly employee behavior with their organization is effective and their work with their colleague is done efficiently to guide and help the staff. The ratio of job attitude factor is 5.2% which shows that this factor also influences the employee perception of CSR less than the job behavior factor. Moreover the ratio of job attitude factor is 5.2% which means that job attitude toward organization is not positive. Adjusted R square 0.347 are the dependent variable. Overall whole dependent variable is significant. The R-square of the regression is 35.3% which shows the variation in dependent variable that is predicted by independent variables. The adjusted r-square is 34.7%.
Conclusion: This study found that employees CSR perception has effects on employees work outcomes. Employees play an important role in their organizations and their perception of CSR will influence their subsequent work outcomes. The CSR programs would benefit both corporations and their employees. Organizations would also benefit from effectively interacting with their employees on CSR issues.
Key Words: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Job attitude, Job behavior, Healthcare
Citation of article: Siddqiue MU, Abideen SZ, Riaz MM, Rehman A, Jafri SA. Relationship of Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) with Job Attitude and Behavior: employee’s Perception. “A study of Public & Private Hospitals in Lahore Pakistan”. Med Forum 2015;26(4):9-13.