3. Outcome of Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Status in Fetal Growth Restriction with Normal and Abnormal Doppler Studies
Isma Rauf1, Talat Nelofer1* and Yasir Arafat2
Objective: To determine the outcome of arterial blood gas (ABG) status of fetuses with IUGR with both normal and abnormal doppler velocimetry studies. Umbilical cord blood was drawn for this purpose.
Study Design: Descriptive / Cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Women Medical College, Abbottabad and Women & Children Hospital Abbottabad from July 2017 to August 2018.
Materials and Methods: 80 women with singleton pregnancy and IUGR fetuses who were delivered by Cesarean section were included in this study. Umbilical cord blood sampling was done immediately after doppler velocimetry which was done at the time of delivery. The study participants were divided into two groups based on their doppler velocimetry status. Different indices such as pulsatility index, resistivity indices and SD ratios were stratified by doppler velocimetryresults and ABG results.
Results: Mean pulsatility and resistivity indices were higher in babies with abnormal doppler velocimetry (p=0.00). Similarly, SD ratio was higher in abnormal doppler group (p=0.00). Babies with abnormal ABG values had a higher SD ratio and resistivity index (p=<0.05).75% of neonates who had abnormal doppler velocimetry had abnormal ABG values (p=0.00). Babies with abnormal doppler had a statistically significant reduction in blood pH and oxygen content and increased PCO2 (p < 0.05). Likewise, the APGAR score of infants with abnormal doppler velocimetry studies was lower compared to those with normal doppler studies (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Abnormal doppler velocimetry in IUGR fetuses is associated with acidosis, hypoxemia and hypercapnia in new-born. Anticipation of metabolic abnormalities in neonates with abnormal Doppler velocimetry can help in prompt management and as a result, decreased morbidity in these neonates.
Key Words: IUGR, Small-for-gestational age, birth asphyxia, Acute respiratory Distress, Hypoxia,perinatal mortality, Eclampsia
Citation of article: Rauf I, Nelofer T, Arafat Y. Outcome of Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Status in Fetal Growth Restriction with Normal and Abnormal Doppler Studies. Med Forum 2020;31(2):9-12.