3. Frequency of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome and Menstrual Irregularities in Adolescents of Different Socioeconomic Groups
Farah Deeba Nasrullah, Riffat Jalil and Ayesha Khan |
Objective: To assess association between menstrual irregularities and socioeconomic status in adolescent girls.
Study Design: Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of study: This study was conducted at different schools and colleges of Karachi from December, 20th 2010 to 15th January 2011
Materials and Methods: The study included 650 girls from schools and colleges of Karachi district representing different socio economic groups. A questionnaire was constructed comprising of biodata, menstrual cycle pattern and details of dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Girls between 15-19 years were selected randomly from schools and colleges representing low, middle and high income group. They were requested to fill questionnaire. Information thus obtained was analysed on spss version 11.
Results: A total of 611 questionnaires were analyzed. 33.2% of adolescent girls belonged to low income group, 30.3% were from middle and 36.5% from high income group. Mean age of girls was 16.7 years. Menstrual cycle pattern was regular in 75.28% girls. No difference was found in cycle attern between different socioeconomic groups. 83.79% girls complained of dysmenorrhea and 34.76% of them were fr m low income group, 29.49% from middle and 35.75% from high income group. Treatment of dysmen rrhea was required in 14.56% girls, including 41.57% from low, 24.71% middle and 33.8% from high income group. PMS was noted 71.68% girls. 36.1% girls reporting PMS were from low and 32.2% and 31.7% from middle & high income group respectively.
Conclusion: Menstrual cycles are regular in majority of teen age girls. Dysmenorrhea and PMS are prevalent menstrual disorders in young adolescents. Incidence of PMS s s gnificantly higher in low socio-economic group. Key Words: Menstrual disorders- premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - Dysmenorrhea- Adolescents
Citation of article: Nasrullah FD, Jalil R, Khan A. Frequency of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome and Menstrual Irregularities in Adolescents of Different S ci ec mic Groups. Med Forum 2016;27(7):9-12.