2.Experience of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) at Children Hospital Chandka Medical College (SMBB Medical University Larkana
Saifullah Jamro1, Deli Jan Mugheri1, Faisal Saifullah Jamro2, Vijia Kumar Gemnani3, Aijaz Ahmed Tunio1 and Rizwana Qureshi1
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of kangaroo mother care in low birth weight infants at Larkana Children's Hospital.
Study Design: Descriptive, cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Kangaroo mother care unit, Children hospital CMC Larkana from 01.08.2021 to 25.02.2022.
Materials and Methods: Total of 490 newborns were included in the study, mostly of infants were registered in first week of life, participation of male 55% is more than female 45%. According to gestational age 56% infants were term and 40 percent were preterm, while 54% were below 1500g and 29% below 2000gms. All infants were on exclusive breast feeding.
Results: Average days required to start weight gain were 3.2 days Average weight gain per day were 33.4 grams per day. Average stay in KMC ward was 7.1 days.
Conclusion: KMC is a low-cost, safe strategy that has been demonstrated to reduce the length of stay in the hospital for preterm and/or low-birth-weight infants.
Key Words: Experience, KMC, Children, College, Larkana
Citation of article: Jamro S, Mugheri DJ, Jamro FS, Gemnani VK, Tunio AA, Qureshi R. Experience of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) at Children Hospital Chandka Medical College (SMBB Medical University Larkana. Med Forum 2022;33(5):7-10.