2.A Study of Blood Donor Deferral Causes: Pre versus Post Donation and Transfusion Transmissible Infections
Meraj Fatima1, Qurra-Tul-Ain1, Aneeqa Naz2, Rana Khalid Mahmood1, Muhammad Ibrahim3 and Munawar Hussain Shah1
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of various donor rejection causes prior to and after blood donation, using donor selection tools, and to compare the effectiveness of the Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) technique against a rational screening kit method in detecting borderline cases of transfusion transmissible infections.
Study Design: Cross-sectional descriptive study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Blood bank setting of Nishtar Hospital in Multan, Pakistan from January 2022 to December 2022.
Materials and Methods: A total of 1000 participants were recruited for the study, including both male and female donors aged 18 to 65 years. The study utilized both quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the quality of service, in terms of safety and hygiene, efficiency of staff, and the overall satisfaction of the donors. SPSS version 23 was used for data analysis.
Results: The most common causes for deferral in temporally rejected donors were anemia and low platelets, as 34.4% and 29.5% cases, respectively. But the most common causes for deferral in permanently rejected donors were HBsAg Positive and Anti HCV positive, as 27.7% and 25.5% cases, respectively. In our study, it was noted that the borderline cases in HCV was 16.6%. But in HIV cases, 66.6% was in borderline and in window period
Conclusion: Donor deferral is a major issue in our country, with 8.8% of prospective blood donors being turned away. This puts a spotlight on the need to identify the causes of deferral and to address them efficiently to ensure the safety of both donors and potential recipients.
Key Words: Anemia, Blood donors, Deferral, Screening, Transfusion transmissible infections
Citation of article: Fatima M, Qurra-Tul-Ain, Naz A, Mahmood RK, Ibrahim M, Shah MH. A Study of Blood Donor Deferral Causes: Pre versus Post Donation and Transfusion Transmissible Infections. Med Forum 2023;34(3):8-11.