29. Role of Neck Dissection in N0 Neck for Cheek Cancer
Mushtaque Ali Memon1 Danish Raheem1 and Qambar Ali laghari2
Objective: To see the frequency of cervical nodal metastasis and involvement of different levels in Ca: cheek
Study Design: Descriptive study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of ENT of DUHS Civil Hospital Karachi from January 2007 to October 2008.
Materials and Methods: Data recorded on prescribed proforma from all histopathologically proven cases of SCC of cheek with or without palpable node of neck node. All admitted through the Out Patient Department in ENT ward and confirmed after neck dissection for positive nodes at different level(s).
Results: Cervical metastasis found in the 33.33% of the patients. Level I in 99.98% cases and the level II in the 83.33% cases were usually involved neck levels with Cheek’s carcinoma.
Conclusion: Study concluded that the elective neck dissectionmay be carried out as the routine case in the carcinoma of the check.
Key Words: Ca: Cheek, Neck dissection, Lymph node metastasis
Citation of article: Memon MA, Raheem D, laghari QA. Role of Neck Dissection in N0 Neck for Cheek Cancer. Med Forum 2017;28(3):115-118.