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  3. 27.Course Evaluations Over the Years at College of Medicine; King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz University Jeddah
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27.Course Evaluations Over the Years at College of Medicine; King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz University Jeddah

Sabina Nisar Ahmed1,2, Mubarak Al-Mansour2,3, Muhammad Anwar Khan1,2,
Pedrito Nolasco Martin1,2 and
Sara Seraj Abed1,2,4


Objective: The purpose of our study is to inform the audience about the working and establishment of the evaluation unit at COM-JKSAU-HS, the challenges that the evaluation unit faced, to assess 'students' satisfaction with the courses over the years

Study Design: Descriptive cross-sectional study

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the College of Medicine, King Saud Bin Abdul -Aziz University for Health Sciences– Jeddah, Saudi Arabia July 2021 to June 2022.

Materials and Methods: All the   medical students using consecutive sampling techniques were included in the study after IRB approval. Data for the academic years 2013 till 2020 was retrieved from the evaluation ''units' records. SPSS version 20.0 was used for data analysis.

Results: Our data showed that students were satisfied with the curriculum and the faculty. Over the years, students remained satisfied with the faculty, and courses taught. There was a decline, followed by a steady improvement in students’ satisfaction as we progressed towards institutionalizing a quality-conscious culture through accreditation. In addition, the students from clinical years were more satisfied with all the domains assessed than those from the preclinical years.

Conclusion: Though Establishing an evaluation unit and maintaining efficient learning and student satisfaction is tedious, but truly a worth mentioning experience in terms of institutional gains. Feedback should be valued and considered a guide to assessing the curriculum's effectiveness; it can act as a mirror to reflect on institutional performance and help reform accordingly. Students in the clinical phase tend to be more satisfied than those from the preclinical phase.

Key Words: Course evaluation, Evaluation unit, Student's satisfaction, College of Medicine Saudi Arabia

Citation of article:  Ahmed SN, Al-Mansour M, Khan MA, Martin PN, Abed SS. Course Evaluations Over the Years at College of Medicine; King Saud Bin Abdul Aziz University Jeddah. Med Forum 2022;33(11): 112-118.