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27. Frequency of Diabetes Mellitus and Impaired Fasting Glucose in Patients with Lichen Planus Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital Quetta
Habib Ullah1, Syed Bilal Ahmed1, Sajida Jabeen2 and Syed Shamsuddin1
Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the frequency of diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose in patients with lichen planus.
Study Design: Cross sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Dermatology, Bolan Medical College/ Sandeman Provincial Hospital, Quetta for a period of six months.
Materials and Methods: After taking ethical committee approval this study was started. A total of 155patients with the diagnosis of LP were included in this study. Male and female ratio, frequency and percentage was calculated for patient having LP with diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose. Data was stratified in different age group, gender and duration of symptoms to control effect modifier. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 17.
Results: A total of 155 patients were included in the study. Out of total 155 patients, mean age of the patients was 42.69 ±8.64 years. Males were predominantly higher 91 (58.7%) as compared to females 64 (41.3%). Frequency of impaired fasting glucose was observed in 1 (0.6%) whereas diabetes mellitus in 26 (16.8%) of the patients.
Conclusion: The frequency of diabetes mellitus was found higher in patients with lichen planus. Therefore, we need to educate our patients and also need to discuss with our colleagues to exclude diabetes mellitusin patients of LP.
Key Words: Lichen Planus, Diabetes Mellitus, Impaired fasting glucose
Citation of articles: Habib Ullah, Ahmed SB, Jabeen S, Shamsuddin S. Frequency of Diabetes Mellitus and Impaired Fasting Glucose in Patients with Lichen Planus Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital Quetta. Med Forum 2019;30(9):109-112.