26. Impact of Insomnia on Academic Performance Among Undergraduate Medical Students of Chandka Medical College (Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University) Larkana
Vijia Kumar Gemnani1, Jai Kirshin Ambwani2, Barkat Ali Shaikh3, Shabir Ahmed Larik1, Manzoor Ali Shaikh2 and Ehsanullah Malik4
Objective: To assess the frequency of insomnia among medical students, secondary to evaluate the impact of insomnia on their education performance. A valid Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) was applied to assess the frequency of insomnia and the GPA was computed for academic performance.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Chandaka Medical College Larkana from September 2014 to February 2015.
Materials and Methods: In which 248 undergraduate medical students (First to Fourth years MBBS) were selected through a stratified random sampling method. In the current study, the frequency of insomnia among medical students 96(38.7%) was analyzed. In addition, the significant association has seemed between insomnia and academic performance (p<0.016) and frequency of insomnia was observed more in female students. In the current study, a high frequency of insomnia was observed among the medical students, as well as, poor academic performance was observed in insomniac students. In this regard, to improve sleep, there is a great need for good health education and awareness programs to improve the quality of future health personnel.
Results: Our study consist of 248 subjects, each batch (1st year to 4th year) contain equal participants, while female 162(65.3%) was observed high in respect to male 86(34.7%) in all batches. Graph-I
All the participating undergraduate medical students mean age was 20.15 ± 1.413 years and the range of age was 17 to 24 years. Scale GPA 4.0 was used to measure the Academic performance of subjects, therefore 166 (66.9%) subjects secured good performance while 82(33.1%) subjects obtained low GPA (poor performance).
Conclusion: In the current study shows a high frequency of insomnia in medical students of CMC (1st year to 4th year MBBS) with multiple factors affecting sleep. The frequency of insomnia even high in female students. Insomniac students are found to have an impact on their GPAs(academic performance).
Key Words: Impact, Insomnia, academic, undergraduate, students
Citation of articles: Gemnani VK, Ambwani JK, Shaikh BA, Larik SA, Shaikh MA, Malik E. Impact of Insomnia on Academic Performance Among Undergraduate Medical Students of Chandka Medical College (Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University) Larkana. Med Forum 2019;20(1):111-115.