26. Awareness of Hepatitis C in Non-Medical University Students in Karachi
Faheem Ahmed, Tafazzul H Zaidi and Kiran Mehtab
Objective: To determine Awareness of Hepatitis C in Non-Medical University Students in Karachi.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the NED University of Engineering and technology, Karachi University, Federal Urdu university, Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology from August 2018 to December 2018.
Materials and Methods: The sample of 396 students was taken through Non-Probability Purposive Sampling.An informed verbal consent was taken from the candidates. Pilot study was conducted to assess the authenticity of the questionnaire. A structured questionnaire was then distributed, got filled, data was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 20, with 95% confidence interval and 0.05 p-value.
Results: There were a total of 396 students who participated in the survey. The majority of the students were from field of engineering numbering 199(50.3%), followed by Arts Numbering 83(21%) , Commerce 54(13.6%),BSc 60(15%).
Among the students, only 79 (19.9%) were aware that hepatitis C was a viral disease while 166(41.9 %) thought that it was bacterial. The number of students who were aware that it is spread via unscreened blood was 275(69.4%) and that it is spread via sharing needles were 320 (80.8%).Regarding the prevention of hepatitis C, 296 (74.7% ) knew that it was preventable while 281 (71% ) thought that a vaccine existed for prevention of Hepatitis C.
252(63.6%) Students ensured that new syringes were used by the hospital staff whenever they vested hospital. 250 ( 63.1%) ensured that sterilized instruments were used during dental check up. 299(75%) made sure that new blades were used in hair dressing salons.333 (84%)responded that they would not marry a Hepatitis C infected person. 145 (36.6%) students thought that the infected should be isolated from others. A majority 317(80%) had not attended a Hepatitis C awareness Seminar.
Conclusion: The result from the study showed the students to have gaps in their knowledge in certain areas pertaining to hepatitis C. Though the majority seemed to have sufficiently cautious practices, the attitudes of the students showed a greater need for awareness. This elaborates a need for greater effort for campaigning to increase the awareness.
Key Words: Hepatitis C, Awareness, Attitude, Practice, Non-medical, Students
Citation of articles: Ahmed F, Zaidi TH, Mehtab K. Awareness of Hepatitis C in Non-Medical University Students in Karachi. Med Forum 2019;30(2):99-102.