25. Prevalence of HIV Infection Among Tuberculosis Patients in Sindh, Pakistan
Shafi Muhammad Khuawar1, Arshad Hussain Laghari2 and Akhtar Hussain Samoo3
Objective: To determine the occurrence of HIV infection among tuberculosis patients in Sindh, Pakistan.
Study Design: A cross sectional record analysis study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the department of Pulmonology and department of Biochemistry Ghulam Muhammad Mahar Medical College, Sukkur covering the period from January 2014 to October,2018.
Materials and Methods: Diagnosis of TB was performed by AFB smear and X-ray chest. For the screening of HIV, Chromatographic test was performed and for substantiation of HIV ELISA technique were used.
Results: Overall 3410 TB patients were analyzed and 13.9% HIV positive were detected. Of these 3410 patients, 39% had pulmonary Tuberculosis and 42% had extra pulmonary Tuberculosis (EPTB).
Conclusion: The commonness of HIV- Tuberculosis co-infection was 13.9%. Both male and female patients were affected.
Key Words: Prevalence, HIV, Pulmonary tuberculosis, co-infection.
Citation of articles: Khuawar SM, Laghari AH, Samoo AH. Prevalence of HIV Infection Among Tuberculosis Patients in Sindh, Pakistan. Med Forum 2019;30(8):109-111.