24. To Assess the Causes of Implant Failure in Treatment of Closed Femoral Diaphyseal Fractures
Abbas Memon, Faheem Ahmed Memon, Niaz Ahmed Kerio and Muhammad Yahya Memon
Objective: To evaluate the responsible factors of implant failure in treatment of closed femoral diaphyseal fractures.
Study Design: Descriptive / cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, LUMHS, Jamshoro and Hyderabad from August 2013 to July 2015.
Materials and Methods: 30 Patients with presentation of implant failure in treatment of closed femoral diaphyseal fractures were selected. Causes of implant failure were noted. All the data was recorded in the proforma.
Results: Total 30 cases with implant failure were included. Mean age was 45.5 +10.3 years. Male were in majority 26(86.6%) and female were 4(13.4%). 76.7% cases had right sided and 23.3% cases had left side fracture. Responsible factors of implant failure were observed in all patients. from factors poor implant quality was the most common in 50% of the cases following by poor fixation technique in 16.6%, wrong size of the implant was in6.6% patients, noncompliance of instruction were noted in 23.3% cases and only in 3.3% cases implant failure due to inadequate weight bearing.
Conclusion: We concluded that poor implant quality was commonest responsible factor for the implant failure in treatment of closed femoral diaphyseal fractures
Key Words: Closed femur diaphyseal fracture, implant failure, responsible factors
Citation of article: Memon A, Memon FA, Kerio NA, Memon MY. To Assess the Causes of Implant Failure in Treatment of Closed Femoral Diaphyseal Fractures. Med Forum 2017;28(2):90-93.