24. Study of Hepatic Encephalopathy in Department of Medicine at PMCH Nawabshah
Jeando Khan Daidano1, Akbar Yousfani2, Rafique Ahmed Memon1 and Saeed Khan1
Objectives: To assess the frequency of Hepatic Encephalopathy in patients with chronic liver disease admitted in the medical ward.
Study Design: Cross sectional Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in the department of Medicine at PMCH Nawabshah from January 2016 to December 2016.
Materials and Methods: For this study both male and female were included, informed consent was taken from all the relatives of patients or conscious patients. Data collected using Questionnaires’ translated into local languages Sindhi and Urdu. Statical analysis was done using SPSS 15 Version.
Results: 53 were males and 47 were females. Common age group was middle age, mean age(46.93) .6 patients were in stage 1, 17 patients were in stage 2, 56 patients were in stage 3, 21 patients were in stage 4. Anti HCV positive in 72 patients, HBsg positive in 10 patients, both antiHCV and HBsAg positive in 18 patients SGPT raised in 87 patients, PT prolonged in 94 patients, BILIRUBIN raised in10 patients, UREA and Creatinine raised in 8 patients.
Conclusion: Majority of the patients admitted with history of infection irregular diet pattern , electrolyte imbalance, portal hypertention, irregular treatment and use of herbal medicines. Proper treatment, education of the patient and preventive measures patients quality of life and mortality can be reduced.
Key Words: Chronic liver disease, hepatic encephalopathy, mortality, portal hypertention, ammonia, HE, OHE, CLD.
Citation of articles: Study of Hepatic Encephalopathy in Department of Medicine at PMCH Nawabshah.
Daidano JK, Yousfani A, Memon RA, Khan S. Med Forum 2017;28(9):95-99.