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24. Evaluation of Span of House Job and Amount of Experience by Anesthesia House Officers in Lahore

Original Article

Evaluation of Span of House Job Experience by Anesthesia

Evaluation of Span of House Job and Amount of Experience by Anesthesia House Officers in Lahore

Ghulam Murtaza Hiraj1, Sohail Anjum2 and Rizwan Ali Qaiser3


Objective: Our research study was conducted to evaluate span of house job and amount of experience by anesthesia house officers in Lahore.

Study Design: Cross-sectional quantitative descriptive study.

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Teaching Hospital of Amna Inayat Medical College Lahore from May 22, 2023 to November 22, 2023.

Methods: Those house officers who had experience of one month and consented were engaged providing them a self reporting questionnaire. From 53 house officers, a total of 34 surveys were completed out of which there were 25 females (73.52%) and 9 boys (26.47 %), hence making a rate of response 64.15%. Questionnaires filled by them got collected in person.

Results: In our study 15 respondents (44.11%) agreed on the best possible time span for house job in anesthesia to be three months. Eleven officers (32.07%) agreed that anesthesia experience obtained during house job was ample. Twenty two house officers (64.70%) disagreed that anesthesia experience obtained during house job was ample; one house officer (2.94%) gave vague answer.

Conclusion: House officers in anesthesia generally agreed on three month time period of house job in specialty. However they disagreed on the amount of experience achieved.

Key Words: Span, Amount, Anesthesia, Lahore, House job, Evaluation, Experience

Citation of article: Hiraj GM, Anjum S, Qaiser RA, Evaluation of Span of House Job and Amount of Experience by Anesthesia House Officers in Lahore, Med Forum 2024;35(10):106-109. doi:10.60110/ medforum.351024.