23.Factors Responsible for Surgical Site Infection among Patients Undergoing General Surgeries
Mushtaque Ahmed Abbasi1 , Riffat2 , Fayaz Ahmed Memon3 and Nasreen Rebeca Wilson4
Objective: To determine the responsible factors for surgical site infection among patients underwent general surgeries.
Study Design: Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Departments of General surgery of Peoples medical University Hospital Nawabshah from September 2016 to February 2017. Materials and Methods: All the patients who had developed surgical site infections after general surgeries were included. All the patients were noted regarding Hospital stay, surgical duration, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, history of smoking and numbers of blood transfusions. All the data was recorded in the self-made proforma.
Results: In this study total 70 infected cases were studies. Majority of patients were above 45 years of age, particularly as;42.9% were in age group of 45-60 years and 17.1% were above 60 years. Males were in majority 65.5% and females were 34.5%. Most of the cases 67.10%, underwent emergency surgeries. After old age and emergency surgery; other responsible factors for surgical site infection as; smoking, multiple blood transfusions, obesity and prolonged Hospital stay were found frequent among patients who had surgical site infection as 21.4%, 17.1%, 17.1% and 21.4% respectively. Diabetes was among 12.9% and hypertension was among 11.4% patients, while 20.0% patients were with unknown causes.
Conclusion: It was concluded that emergency surgery, obesity, smoking, prolonged Hospital stay and multiple blood transfusions were frequent factors among patients who had developed surgical site infection.
Key Words: General Surgery, SSI, Factors
Citation of articles: Abbasi MA, Riffat, Memon FA, Wilson NR. Factors Responsible for Surgical Site Infection among Patients Undergoing General Surgeries. Med Forum 2019;30(4):99-102.